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Orfeo ed Euridice Opera Studio

Trieste | June 24th - 30th 2024


OperUs is proud to announce our first Summer 2024 Opera Studio: Orfeo ed Euridice. With a final semi-staged performance open to the public and invited industry links, as part of this exciting opportunity nine young artists will participate in a week-long intensive program of rehearsal and study focused on Gluck's masterpiece. 


Professional outdoor photoshoot

All participants at the opera studio will participate in a professional photoshoot, receiving a set of beautiful new artist headshots for their portfolio.

Image by Paolo Chiabrando

Industry contacts & networking

Particularly outstanding artists will be put in contact with industry links such as agents and casting directors to allow for further networking.


Final press kit

The program will include a press kit with articles and the invitation of local media to report on the performance.

Info & Applications

Carta e penna

Information & application form

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Muro di cemento

Jingle Gawley 


"At the opera studio there was a care for the musicians - not just art, but there was an all-around care. I was really impressed."


Sean Purtell


"They were the loveliest people to audition for... So supportive, and they seemed to really care about what they were doing and the people they were working with"


Iris Hyemin Kwon


"With them, I found out - I can do anything!" 

Image by Arno Senoner

Trieste, Italy

Nestled on the Adriatic coast between Venice to the south and Slovenia and Croatia to the northeast, Trieste is a beautiful maritime city with a rich multicultural history and artistic life.

From its harmonious synthesis of Italian and Austrian architecture to its multiple theatres, concert halls, historic coffee roasteries and delicious cuisine, Trieste's welcoming atmosphere and sophisticated cultural offerings, as well as its long history as a cultural meeting point make it the perfect base for our opera studio, offering participants the opportunity of a European debut at the heart of the continent. 

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